
Sweltering heat greeted me on the mountain when I arrived. A heralding. A signaling that called me to the mountain. The first few days have been an exploration of this beautiful area: the lake, the junction dam, the rivers and rivulets, and the village. Bird...

Days in Bogong are filled with being: dreaming, walking, listening and wondering. New ear-perspectives are being highlighted throughout the environs; new knowledge of how to record and structure sound is being learnt. For me, there is a translation that occurs between Nature and Self, Body and...

“Nowhere else have I ever felt the subtle magnetism of an ancient land that holds dreams far, far older than history” Elyne Mitchell The seasons have changed whilst up here. And nearly at the Autumn equinox the leaves are falling and the skies are shifting. The smell...

 The river of Sound is endless. Ongoing Never ceasing Overflowing At night In the dark It feels like it is running Through my bed Through my head Through my clothes In my toes The sound The noise. Breathing in to welcome the day Breathing out The river The stream The consciousness The very life of this city Is outside my window Flowing to the sea. It bursts...

"The difference between sound and noise, is that noise is unwanted." There is much in the media at the moment about wind farms. In particular about their viability as an alternative energy source. The government is concerned about the  “Noise” they make. There is an excellent paper outlining all...

I had an interesting conversation the other day about Performance and the role of adrenaline with my vocal Physio. She had asked about my recent performance at my Artist in Residence Exhibition opening: “Don’t you need to be on adrenaline to perform?” when i said...

The seven lights on the steamed dome roof seemed to call in the seven sisters of the Pleiades. We numbered seven in the room who were singing. A while I was privvy to an evening of bathing decadence at some outdoor thermal springs in the middle of winter....

"The cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek" Joseph Campbell. Time indeed takes on a degree of timelessness whilst in the cave itself. It is hard to know how long I had been in there. Sometimes it felt as if lifetimes...